
Australians decide to vet articles (18 May 1999)

Australian players writing newspaper columns during the World Cup are to have their articles vetted from now on

18 May 1999
Australians decide to vet articles
The Electronic Telegraph
Australian players writing newspaper columns during the World Cup are to have their articles vetted from now on.
The move follows the row over an article by Shane Warne in last week's Times when he said the sport would be better off without Sri Lanka's captain Arjuna Ranatunga because of his on-field behaviour.
The leg-spinner was swiftly reprimanded, fined and handed a suspended ban of two matches.
Australian Cricket Board chief executive Malcolm Speed said yesterday: "Shane and the other players who are writing columns have been directed to provide a hard copy of any proposed article to the team manager and if he's not happy with it it would be rejected.
"It's unfortunate that we have to do that but we can't afford the risk that Shane offends again. I'm afraid he'll have to put up with it."
The all-rounder Keith Arthurton will miss West Indies' next match against Bangladesh in Dublin on Friday after straining foot ligaments in the match against Pakistan.
Source :: Electronic Telegraph (https://www.telegraph.co.uk)