
Bangladesh celebrates (25 May 1999)

Bangladesh burst out in jubilation Monday night after its first victory in the World Cup cricket against Scotland

25 May 1999
Bangladesh celebrates
Zahid Newaz reports from Dhaka
Bangladesh burst out in jubilation Monday night after its first victory in the World Cup cricket against Scotland.
Thousands of people, mostly youngsters, stormed out on to the streets of the capital to celebrate their long cherished victory. The revelers chanted slogans, danced and exploded crackers to give expression to their ecstasy creating traffic jam in the central Dhaka breaking the midnight silence.
People from all walks of life came out of their houses beating bowls and plates to celebrate the occasion. Buses and trucks on the street honked their horns as welcome greetings to the Bangladesh cricketers.
Phones and the Internet were found busy as people exchanged good wishes among friends and relations over the victory. Even police from Rajarbag Police Lines, central camp of the law enforcers, brought out a victory procession in their compound.
"We would be so happy if we could explode one or two crackers to celebrate Bangladesh's victory," said Deputy Commissioner of Dhaka Metropolitan Police, Hassan Mahmud Khandaker. Dhaka Metropolitan Police patrolled the streets to control the jubilant crowd.
Dhaka University campus also burst into jubilation with the first winning of a world cup cricket match by the Bangladesh team. Students in small and big groups from different dormitories of the campus rushed into the streets just after the maiden win of the Bangladesh team at Edinburgh. The entire campus, especially the Teachers Stucents Centre area, filled up with jubilant students in the midnight. They expressed their joy by chanting slogans, beating drums and plates, and exploding crackers.
"Bangladesh team has proved that we are a brave nation and the victory is just we won the World Cup," said Dhaka University Vice Chancellor Prof AK Azad Chowdhury in an instant reaction.
Prime Minisiter Sheikh Hasina and Leader of the Opposition Begum Khaleda Zia, two political foes welcomed the victorious team and wished them success in the remaining two matches. Earlier the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina announced cash award for victories in the World Cup.
Source :: CricInfo365