
Quotes - England v India (31 May 1999)

"You've just got to take it on the chin

31 May 1999
Quotes - England v India
John Houlihan
"I'm gutted, it's difficult to put into words how disappointed I am." - Alec Stewart
"You've just got to take it on the chin. We knew what the rules and regulations were before going into the tournament, but the run rate just wasn't there and that's obviously why we missed out." - Alec Stewart
"What hurts at the moment is that England won't be involved in the later stages of the competition. It's heart breaking for everyone involved and for every English cricket lover in the country. " - David Graveney, Chairman of selectors
"We bowled well today and made it difficult for them. We go into the next phase without any points but I'm not going to worry about how the other teams are doing, we've got to win every game." - Mohammed Azharuddin.
Source :: John Houlihan