
Stephen Fleming is now NZ's best sports captain

Having been home for a couple of days from the tour of Aussie has given me time to reflect on that great last Test and the tour as a whole

Chris Cairns
Having been home for a couple of days from the tour of Aussie has given me time to reflect on that great last Test and the tour as a whole.
Firstly, the third Test. This would be one of the best games of cricket I have ever been involved in for New Zealand.
Right from the outset, when Stephen Fleming won the toss and went up front and batted, every session was played out to the maximum.
Leading into the game, the Aussie team and media were labelling this Test as "the Test of courage" because of the reputation the WACA has for pace and bounce.
I think Flem surprised a few people when he opted to bat first. As it eventually turned out this wicket was not the traditional fast and bouncy wicket but just a great pitch.
To say Lou Vincent's debut was spectacular would be the understatement of the year.
The way he went about his innings was great to watch. Before this tour I had not had anything to do with Lou. But early on it was plain to see how much he loves cricket, and the passion he has for the game is immense.
Like Mathew Sinclair before him, Lou will now have huge expectations to perform each time.
He certainly is a player for the future but needs time to be allowed to develop, but truly a great talent and also a fantastic young guy.
On this tour I also thought it would be the making of Fleming if he could clock up one of those elusive centuries the media keep reminding him about.
I'm sure it plays on his mind but to get that 100 in Perth against Australia has lifted Flem to another level.
Recently, I think the All Blacks have been floundering a little because after Sean Fitzpatrick there has been no genuine leader.
While Flem has always been astute and brilliant in my eyes, both media and public have now seen what we in the CLEAR Black Caps have always seen.
Flem is now this country's leading sports captain and will be for some time. He has mana and will give New Zealand cricket some great direction in the future.
While we racked up over 500 in the first innings it was always going to be tough to bowl Aussie out before the follow-on, on such a good wicket.
I have to say I felt a bit sorry for Warney [Shane Warne] as it would have been great for him to get that 100.
Leaving Australia such a large target was a plan designed to put pressure on them by getting them in a position where they couldn't win the game and would have to bat in the unfamiliar role of saving a game.
Some of our New Zealand media didn't get this plan and accused Flem of being negative, which annoyed me immensely because the cricket media should know better and should be able to read a game.
But when Steve Waugh and Adam Gilchrist started to hit out I must admit there were a few nerves.
So when we got a couple of run outs and they battened down the hatches for a draw, there was only going to be one winner and that was us.
But it was not to be and thus ended a great game.
The tour as a whole was one that saw Fleming, Nathan Astle, Adam Parore and Daniel Vettori lift their international status significantly. Vincent, Shane Bond and Chris Martin are seen as players for the future.
As for the rest of us, there were contributions at times, but more is required.
Personally, I was relieved to have gotten through the tour but didn't put together the type of performances that I wanted to.
For me, it's into the nets to work on my bowling as there are a few technical things which need addressing.
People said our success might have been due to Warne and Glenn McGrath not being at their best, but I think that it is due to some of our Black Caps raising their games. That can only mean great things for the season ahead.