
Supporters pay for Maher's return to Glamorgan

Jimmy Maher, the Queensland captain, will be in England during Australia's winter after Glamorgan supporters provided the money for his return

Cricinfo staff

Jimmy Maher will be back at Sophia Gardens for the English summer © Getty Images
Jimmy Maher, the Queensland captain, will be in England during Australia's winter after Glamorgan supporters provided the money for his return. The county did not plan to have an overseas player due to the cost of its ground redevelopment at Sophia Gardens, but the fans stepped in to help sign Maher, who played in Wales in 2001 and 2003.
"We made no secret of our intention to run without them this summer," Mike Fatkin, Glamorgan's chief executive, said. "Thanks to offers of financial support from several of our strongest supporters, including a significant contribution from Dr James Hull, we've been able to review that policy and recruit Jimmy."
Maher said he was grateful for the opportunity and intended to make a big contribution on the field. He will link up the county in the middle of May.