
Wise up as Victoria wait on Lewis

Allan Wise, the fast bowler, has been added to the Victoria squad for the Pura Cup match against Tasmania at St Kilda starting on Monday

Cricinfo staff

Allan Wise is back for the Bushrangers © Getty Images
Allan Wise, the fast bowler, has been added to the Victoria squad for the Pura Cup match against Tasmania at St Kilda starting on Monday as the Bushrangers attempt to extend their lead. Victoria have three homes games in their run into the final and they still hold some hope of adding Mick Lewis to the final side.
Lewis has replaced Glenn McGrath in the VB Series finals squad and if Australia win the contest in two matches the national players may be released to their states for next week's games. Wise, who has played five Pura Cup fixtures and taken 23 wickets this season, is the only addition to the line-up that beat South Australia by seven wickets last week.
Cameron White, the captain, has been pleased with Victoria's recent form, but he knows they have to gain rewards from their remaining matches to retain their two-point buffer. "We've worked hard in recent games, but need to continue putting in strong performances to give ourselves the best possible chance of making the final," he said. Queensland are second on 22 points with New South Wales and South Australia third on 20.
Tasmania, who are last on eight points, have named their squad and Dan Marsh will again captain the side after returning from injury in the loss to Western Australia last week.
Tasmania David Dawson, Michael Di Venuto, Michael Bevan, George Bailey, Travis Birt, Dan Marsh (capt), Sean Clingeleffer (wk), Xavier Doherty, Adam Griffith, Brett Geeves, Brendan Drew, Ben Hilfenhaus.
Victoria Lloyd Mash, Jason Arnberger, Brad Hodge, Nick Jewell, David Hussey, Jon Moss, Cameron White (capt), Adam Crosthwaite (wk), Shane Warne, Shane Harwood, Gerard Denton, Allan Wise, Mick Lewis.